Monday, July 23, 2007

Rainy Day

Today was another mostly indoor day, doing lesson plans and research. Before the rain came, we mapped out our scavenger hunt on campus. It is for our group lesson plan and will show people how to use GPS. We ran into some poison ivy! Oddly I haven't seen any on the Tamposi and my guard was down. I will have to wait for tomorrow morning to see if I was able to wash all the oil off.
Elaina and I worked on our portion of the group project. We decided to define what a make a vernal pool and not a wetland. We plan to include it on the website and part of our packet. I also tried to come up with a user friendly instructions for how to use GPS. It is difficult to explain something when you aren't an expert.
Tonight I will work more on my pedagogy. I am also interested in Keeping a Nature Journal, by Claire Walker Leslie. I used to draw all the time for school but stopped when I decided not to be an art teacher. It is nice to return to an old hobby with a new perspective.

1 comment:

Yvonka said...

OH NO. I hope you didn't get poison ivy! I really am excited to see the Navigators final product. The informaiton being gathered for the scavenger hunt is going to really interest local schools I bet! If I were a kid I would want to follow it. If you need any help defining a vernal pool Team Vern is here for you! Hope we don't get rained on tomorrow! Or if we dot the mosquitoes are gone!